Bitcoin Trading System


If you like crypto, but would prefer to trade ETFs to make a custody a breeze, we offer a long only Bitcoin Strategy which uses Canadian Bitcoin ETFs. The model trades on a daily basis and smoothes out the high volatility of this emerging asset class.

Sharpe Ratio
Winning Trades (%)
Current Portfolio

Why should I trade this?

Bitcoin isn't for everyone. It is a very highly volatile asset class and therefore offers excellent return possibilities particularly if investors can go long or short. We recommend using Bitcoin ETFs (available in Canada) to avoid the custody risks and hassles associated with exchanges and digital wallets. Our goal is to help you arrange a diversified portfolio - Bitcoin has historically provided low correlation to stocks (though not in 2022). If you're interested in Bitcoin, our model is designed to avoid some of the downside risk and potentially even profit from it. Beware though, the volatility of this asset is so high that a small allocation (rebalanced frequently) is probably best.

How do I trade it?

Just watch the daily PortfolioAI email for updates to the model and when indicated, take the trade.

How does it work?

PortfolioAI is the result of almost 15 years of research. We started with simple momentum models and technical indicators and have slowly grown our capability to include over 40 different parameters for each security. Early into our research with Machine Learning we developed a simple but effective strategy for labelling our data-set. That insight allowed us to train our MLs to predict whether the next period was likely to be 'Optimal' or 'Non-Optimal' for owning the security. We use an ensemble of ML combinations for each security for additional robustness. Our MLs are retrained frequently and we continue to search for new data sets to add to our work.