Best of Big Tech & Friends Trading System


Everyone loves the Big Tech stocks! We added Friends to the Big Tech stocks to provide better options when technology stocks are out of favour. The Friends include some TSLA, commodities (CVX, FCX, XOM, NEM and NTR.TO), some staples and healthcare stocks as well as long bonds (TLT). The portfolio buys the top 4 ranked securities and is rebalanced daily.

Sharpe Ratio
Winning Trades (%)
Current Portfolio

Why should I trade this?

If you prefer to own individual stocks rather than the broad market, this portfolio might be right for you. The FAANG stocks (Meta, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google) are tech mega caps that most portfolios own. We've complimented this concentrated list of technology names with a broader basket of large cap stocks that have low correlation with FAANG. This means that during risk-off periods, or when technology is underperforming you can gain exposure to other securities that help you mitigate the downside - allowing you to potentially grow your capital even during down markets.

How do I trade it?

Just watch the daily PortfolioAI email for updates to the model and when indicated, take the trade.

How does it work?

PortfolioAI is the result of almost 15 years of research. We started with simple momentum models and technical indicators and have slowly grown our capability to include over 40 different parameters for each security. Early into our research with Machine Learning we developed a simple but effective strategy for labelling our data-set. That insight allowed us to train our MLs to predict whether the next period was likely to be 'Optimal' or 'Non-Optimal' for owning the security. We use an ensemble of ML combinations for each security for additional robustness. Our MLs are retrained frequently and we continue to search for new data sets to add to our work.